Cris Craft Fall Rendezvous in Poulsbo

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This is the first annual Chris-Craft Fall Rendezvous held annually on the last weekend in September at the Port of Poulsbo Marina in Poulsbo, Washington. Our first Rendezvous will be held September 23rd-25th, 2016. The end 27 slips of E-dock are reserved for this Rendezvous, accommodating up to 60′ boats. Registration ends Friday, September 9th, 2016, or when all of the slips are reserved, whichever happens first.

The Rendezvous provides an opportunity for Chris-Craft owners and their families to share the pride and enjoyment of the boats they love. All Chris-Crafts are welcome regardless of size, age, model, construction material or condition. The focus is on fun, camaraderie and, of course, our Chris-Crafts.

This annual Chris-Craft Fall Rendezvous in Poulsbo is the smaller, less structured cousin of the July Rendezvous in Port Orchard. It’s an opportunity for folks who couldn’t make the July event – or would simply enjoy a different venue – to mingle with Chris-Craft enthusiasts. This Rendezvous is Friday and Saturday nights, with a potluck in the marina’s activity room on the dock late Saturday afternoon. There is no cost to attend other than your moorage fee paid to the marina upon your arrival, plus a marina $5 reservation fee.

Please be sure to click on the MOORAGE link for important moorage information before registering.

To join, register by clicking the REGISTER button on the left. This Rendezvous is organized by Mike Schultz from LUXURIA. Feel free to drop an email if you have any questions.

Port of Poulsbo “Marina of Lights”

‘Tis the season to Visit Poulsbo…

Come celebrate the month of December at the docks and stroll through the decorated boats at the downtown Port of Poulsbo Marina.

Vessels from throughout the puget sound area have been encouraged to visit and spread the Cheer and Sparkle in Poulsbo this holiday.

Marina of Lights Promotion