Lighted Ship Parade

Lighted Boat Parade: Saturday, December 16th. Please visit the website

Yule Cup and Lighted Boat Parade
Presented by the Poulsbo Yacht Club and the Historic Downtown Poulsbo Association.  The boats cruise Liberty Bay, showing off their finest Christmas sparkle for a great family event.  Hot Cider and cookies are served in the pavilion. Toss your pinecone into the Ceremonial fire, make a resolution, pledge, or wish, and believe in the season.  Please visit the website for dates and times of the Boat Parade and Children’s Party at or call 360-779-3116 or email [email protected].

Some Assembly Required at the JewelBox

Tickets are on sale for the Opening Night Party on Friday, November 6. Sogno di Vino is our featured host for she evening. Simply purchase tickets for Nov. 6 as you would for any other performance. There is no extra charge for Opening Night. Doors open at 6:30p.m.; show starts at 7:30p.m.
Some Assembly Required is Eugene Stickland’s lighthearted but deeply moving portrayal of a dysfunctional family at Christmas. The Jewel Box production is directed by Kristi Jacobson

Mom and Dad aren’t going to have Christmas this year, but when their three grown children unexpectedly return home Christmas Eve and hide out down in the basement with the barbed-wire, Barbies, and BB gun, it seems that Christmas might just happen after all. A simple but quirky story of a dysfunctional family trying to assemble a decent Christmas.

This laugh-out-loud dramedy runs weekends November 6 through 29. Tickets are $16 for adults and $14 for seniors/students/military.
