Super Saturday Program at SEA

Super Saturdays programs are scheduled for the following dates:

July 23: Echinoderms: Spines, Bumps, and Tube Feet, Oh My!
September 10:
Terrific Tools
October 15:

Classes are between 9 a.m. – 11 a.m. and are limited to 16 children. Class registration is through this form. Please print, scan, and email your application at least a week in advance to Lauren Kemper at [email protected]. If you fill out your application online, please use either Safari or Firefox, as otherwise your information will not be sent.

A few things to remember: a small snack is provided, but you are welcome to bring snacks for your children. Since it’s possible that children will get wet, please bring extra dry clothing. We do not charge for these classes, but please feel free to donate as the supplies cost money. These classes are suitable for children grades P-2. Each family must have at least one adult/guardian that is present and responsible for their children.

Each class will provide an opportunity to see and touch live specimens.


Terrific Tools

Humans use a variety of tools to do work—but how do the animals in the ocean catch their food, keep safe, or move around? Students will discover how various marine animal body parts resemble tools that humans use. By comparing these animals’ adaptations with human tools, students will learn how the animals use their body parts in their ocean environment, particularly in obtaining food.


FREE but please consider donations