Jule Fest at Waterfront Park

Jule Fest at Waterfront Park: Saturday, Dec. 3rd, starting at 4:30 p.m.

Vikings will escort Lucia Bride to where the Yule Log will be it.

Miss Poulsbo will light the Christmas tree and Santa will help close out the evening.

Julefest and Scandinavian Bazaar

Bazaar from 10am-4pm with Scandinavian Vendors Arts, Crafts and Gifts Pea soup, Rommegrot and more!

Dancing by Leikarringen (children’s folk group) Singing by Vestre Sund Mannskor Jule Fest on waterfront park 4:30 pm

Hot chocolate and hot cider for sale Lucia Bride, escorted by Vikings, light Yule Log Miss Poulsbo lights Christmas tree

Dancing around the tree Music by Vestre Sund Mannskor Santa arrives to close the night