Chief Seattle Days

A 3-day public festival established in 1911 to honor chief Seattle, a famous leader of the Suquamish People for whom the City of Seattle is named. The first event was started on the current Celebration Grounds in Downtown Suquamish by local Tribal Members, community residents and civic leaders from the City of Seattle. At the time, the new town of Suquamish was linked to Seattle by foot passenger ferries which allowed city residents to travel across Puget Sound and enjoy the celebration.
Many of the same activities from the 1911 celebration are still featured today including the traditional salmon bake, canoe races, baseball tournaments, drumming and dancing, and a memorial service for Chief Seattle at his gravesite in Suquamish.
Throughout the years other events have been added to the celebration. These include a Coastal Jam, Powwow, Fun Run, craft and food vendors and the Chief Seattle Days Youth Royalty Pageant. Learn all about participating in this year’s events by reading the excerpts below.

2016 Chief Seattle Days Website Flyer