
22nd annual Easter Candy Hunt at Raab Park

Raab Park 6th Street, Poulsbo, WA

Poulsbo Parks and Recreation will host the Annual Easter Candy Hunt. Age divisions begin at 5 minute intervals: Ages 1-2 ….. start at 1:05p, Ages 3-4 ….. start at 1:10p, Ages 5-6 ….. start at 1:15p, Ages 7-8 ….. start at 1:20p, Ages 9-11 ….. start at 1:25p


Easter Brunch and Egg Hunt at Kiana Lodge

Kiana Lodge 14976 Sandy Hook Rd. NE, Poulsbo, WA, United States

Kiana Lodge Easter Egg Buffet and Egg Hunt March 27, 2016 Come visit with the Easter Bunny and enjoy a tasty Easter brunch at Kiana Lodge. Bring the kids so they can find the hidden eggs filled with goodies! Brunch Buffet 11:00am Easter bunny and Egg Hunt 12:00pm Pricing: Adults: $28 Children ages 4-12: $14 […]